Tuesday, May 25, 2004

greetings from santa cruz

Hey all just wanted to produce a tester and to say that I think what the President said last night was absolutely right....wing. nut.

What are the steps he proposed? The same "stalled US Policy as a five step plan" (Robin Wright, Washington Post, Nay 25 04 pA12). But he did clarify that Iraq is simply the frontline of a broader war on terror and that this is a battle between two scenarios, "one of tyranny and murder, the other of liberty and life."

It isn't clear from the Post article or from the Administration's recent actions which of these two scenarios the President is pursuing. Me, I'm inclined to think that the US right now is firmly on the side of the former.

Kerry's answer is to reach out to allies and not go "tyranny and murder" alone - well, he didn't actually say the last part, but mostly you couldn't drive a bicycle between his position and Bush's. Or could you?

What say others? Am I too cynical about the presumptive nominee?


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