Tuesday, April 03, 2007

McCain lied, people died

News on the march...
A newborn baby was one of at least 14 children and adults killed today when a suicide bomber detonated a truck laden with explosives close to a primary school in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk. The latest massacre of Iraqi children came as 21 Shia market workers were ambushed, bound and shot dead north of the capital.

The victims came from the Baghdad market visited the previous day by John McCain, the US presidential candidate, who said that an American security plan in the capital was starting to show signs of progress.
Let's review what just happened here. A US Senator who will do anything to get elected President made a deliriously stupid comment about the situation in Baghdad, and was promptly slapped down by a CNN reporter in the field. In a fit of pique, said Senator used his considerable influence to create a carefully orchestrated photo op in Baghdad, sponsored and paid for by the US government, and requiring the use of hundreds of troops and massive close air support to first clear an area of Baghdad next door to the Green Zone, then accompany the Senator and his buddies in a classic Mr Magoo moment.

Yesterday, 21 innocent people died as a direct result of McCain's little hissy fit. This man wants to be the President of the most powerful nation on earth. He belongs in a secluded managed care facility, where he will no longer be a danger to himself or others.

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